We can always use volunteers at Laurel Ridge

Pick your skill set

Higgins Host – Greet guest as they arrive with a smiling face! Stay in the Host room, attend all meals, and make sure guest have what they need. If you are interested email Scarlett Dowdy, Program Manager scarlett@nulllaurelridge.org 

Facilities Maintenance – Work with the Facilities Manager on jobs such as mowing, minor repairs or other jobs that fit your skill set.  We also have a spring and fall workday that we advertise each year.  You are welcome to come anytime however Blair will need to know ahead of time to have jobs available.  If you are interested email Blair Osborne, Facilities Manager blair@nulllaurelridge.org

Kitchen Volunteer – Work with the Food Services Coordinator or other full time/part time staff in the kitchen preparing, and serving meals.  Cleaning up between meals.  You can volunteer for Summer Camp or Higgins Lodge.  If you are interested email Tres Fordham, Director tres@nulllaurelridge.org or Scarlett Dowdy, Program Manager scarlett@nulllaurelridge.org

House Keeping – Work with our Guests Services Coordinator cleaning rooms, common areas and meeting spaces.  If you are interested email Karen Eagle, Guests Services Coordinator guests@nulllaurelridge.org

Counseling at Summer Camp – Do you want to make a difference in a campers life?  You must be 18 years of age and up to counsel for Junior and Pre Junior camps.  You must be 21 years of age and up to counsel Middle High camp(s) and 23 years of age and up to counsel Senior High Camp.  If you are interested in counseling email Scarlett Dowdy, Program Manager scarlett@nulllaurelridge.org